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VMG Mako 35


Mako 35 is agile, for the tightest bouy turns, downwinding and BOP racing.


Molokai Striker Air 小飛魚專業競速 14’0″ X 23″ RDS


一款專爲直綫競速和長程競賽設計的板型。其創新式的尖尾設計,讓板體擁有更小的尾流和阻力,也讓劃行感受异常的輕盈。兩側的STANDING WING 防滑墊增寬設計,使雙脚站立位置變寬,增加了穩定性和可控性。



Designed to work in a wide range of conditions, flatwater, crosswind, small bumps, surf and where there is excessive weed.


Hero 3 節碳纖直立板槳 (紅色)


Molokai Hero 全碳纖直立板槳是專為進階玩家而設計

相比普通型號,Hero 的整體重量更輕,令你在划槳時更有效率,在長途旅程時節省更多體力。全新的螺紋槳桿設計,令到其手感更好多汗時亦不易跣手。

Blackproject Maliko v3


SUP Race Fin For Increased Maneuverability, Tracking & Stability, Ideal For Ocean Racing & Downwind

The Maliko is a SUP racing and downwind fin designed to improve board maneuverability and glide. Ideal for intermediate-to-advanced paddlers looking to develop their downwinding skills, this medium-sized fin utilizes a surfing-inspired curved outline with a narrow cord and medium foil to help paddlers ride and connect swells. While best suited for downwind conditions, this fin also works great in large rivers with a strong flow. Achieving a faster board speed isn’t just about paddling harder, but being able to utilize the flow of the ocean The Maliko makes it possible to not only go faster, but more importantly, to have more fun.

Blackprojec Sonic v2


SUP Race Fin For Maximum Maneuverability For Advanced Level Paddlers

The Sonic is a SUP racing and downwind fin designed to maximize board maneuverability and speed. Ideal for advanced and professional paddlers looking to enhance their flow on downwinders, this small fin utilizes a surfing-inspired curved outline with a narrow cord and thinner foil to help paddlers ride and connect swells at speed. Ideally suited to downwind conditions, this fin also performs well in technical surf races, shallow water and rivers with a strong flow and debris. In situations when the fastest racing line is not a straight line, the Sonic enables you to seek out and connect the fastest bumps, waves and sections of flowing water.

VMG Mako 44


Giving you Confidence, when the Going gets Rough. Mako 44 stabilises your ride in demanding conditions.

MINIMAX 陸上衝浪板 30” x 10”


新款陸上衝浪板沿用了MINIMAX 直立板系列的設計風格,采用星際黃和海洋藍的配色,彰顯年輕活力和熱血飆風的氣息。

首款發售的陸上衝浪板采用防咬輪工藝刮邊的設計和 PU 橋結構,新手玩家上板時能提供足夠的安全感,在專用賽道及路面相當友好;不管是初學、刷街路溜、進階專業、衝浪滑板玩家皆適合。

VMG Mako 37


Mako 37 is versatile and agile, follows the runners and carves through surf.

MINIMAX 陸上衝浪板 32″ x 10.25″


新款陸上衝浪板沿用了MINIMAX 直立板系列的設計風格,采用星際黃和海洋藍的配色,彰顯年輕活力和熱血飆風的氣息。

首款發售的陸上衝浪板采用防咬輪工藝刮邊的設計和 PU 橋結構,新手玩家上板時能提供足夠的安全感,在專用賽道及路面相當友好;不管是初學、刷街路溜、進階專業、衝浪滑板玩家皆適合。

Blackproject Condor


SUP Race Fin For Top-End Speed & Agility. Designed With Connor Baxter For Elite Paddlers

The Condor is a SUP racing fin designed for maximum board speed and agility. Ideally suited for advanced and professional paddlers, this is the fin for those who aren’t afraid to push the limits. The smallest fin we make, the Condor utilizes reduced depth, smaller surface area and our Reduced Cord Concept to enable maximum paddling speed, without sacrificing too much tracking. Best suited for flat water and calmer days, it’s the fastest fin on the market. But be warned, due to its size the Condor is not for everyone.

Molokai 2 節玻璃纖維直立板槳 (120 – 160 cm)


一把專為 5 – 10 歲兒童設計的直立板槳,配有更適合小朋友的小槳葉和小槳桿

VMG Mako 28


The fin with maximum agility, cutting the tightest turns, and letting you place your board exactly where you want it. As with all of our fins, this design is efficient at shedding weed, so you confidently know that nothing is holding you back.


Molokai Finder Air 旅程 11’6″ X 30″ RDS


Finder AIR 旅行板系列是專爲長途旅行而設計,兼具穩定性和速度,具有很强的循迹能力和巡航速度以及出色的裝載能力,是長途探索的不二選擇

Finder AIR 11’6” x 30”:11’6” x 30”的尺寸對於初學者或身型細小的板友有着非常友好的體驗感,兼具穩走性和靈活性,非常容易駕馭。前後配置行李繩,以及前甲板旅行把手,能當做兒童扶座的把手。是一塊兼具休閒和旅行用途的板型。

Molokai Light Air 全方位 10’6″ X 33″ RDS


Light AIR 系列能够滿足多種玩法,無論初學者還是有一定經驗的玩家,都能找到這塊板的樂趣,休閒、衝浪漂流、瑜伽無所不能,兼顧穩定性與靈活性。板體配置前後載物固定繩,提供更多可能性。前甲板雙把手,讓兒童做在板上更穩定放心。

Light AIR 10’ 6” x 33”:尺寸更靈活,適合身材嬌小的人士。配色上更年輕有活力。材質同樣使用了RDS加强雙層拉絲料。

Blackproject Ray v2


SUP Race Fin For Increased Tracking & Stability, Ideal For Choppy Water & Long Distances

The Ray is a SUP racing and touring fin designed to improve board stability and tracking. Ideal for intermediate paddlers and those looking to progress on narrower boards, this is the biggest fin we make and it utilizes an increased depth, greater surface area, and our new Deep Foil Concept for an easier paddling experience. Best-suited for flat and choppy water, the Ray keeps you upright and allows you to focus on improving your form. You’re not fast if you’re falling off, but the Ray keeps the wobbles at bay.

VMG Mako Time Trial


Mako Time Trial built for speed and tracking. The Ultimate in performance racing.

Blackproject Tiger v2


SUP Race Fin For Flat Water Speed and Faster Buoy Turns

The Tiger is a SUP racing fin designed for situations where speed, tracking and quick buoy turns are important. Ideal for advanced and professional paddlers, this is the fin you want if you’re looking to improve performance or get better race results. This medium-sized fin uses a narrow cord and fast foil to increase speed and turning power, while still maintaining excellent tracking. Ideally suited for flat and choppy water, the Tiger is widely used by racers due to its impressive all-round performance. If podiums are what you want, this is your secret weapon.

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